ISO标准 8295-1995 “Determination of friction coefficient of plastic film and sheet

ISO标准 (国际标准化组织) 是国家标准机构的全球联盟 (ISO 成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已设立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员机构都有权派代表参加该委员会. 与 ISO 联络的国际政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (恒温恒湿试验箱) 关于电气标准化的所有问题.

技术委员会通过的国际标准草案将分发给各成员机构进行投票. 作为国际标准发布需要至少 75% 成员机构数量.

国际标准ISO 8295 由ISO/TC技术委员会制定 61, 塑料, SC小组委员会 11, 产品展示.

第二版取消并取代第一版 (ISO标准 8295:1986), 已进行技术修订.


ISO标准 8295-1995 “Determination of friction coefficient of plastic film and sheet

1 范围
1.1 本标准规定了塑料薄膜和片材在自身或其他物质上滑动时起始摩擦系数和滑动摩擦系数的测定方法. The method is intended for use with non-adhesive plastic films and sheets up to a thickness of approximately 0.5 毫米 (以下简称 “电影”).

1.2 该测试方法主要用于质量控制. 它不提供对包装或加工机器的可加工性的全面评估, as other effects are often involved, such as electrostatic charges, air cushions, local temperature increases and wear.

1.3 静摩擦力通常随着表面接触时间的增加而增加. 当使用摆杆 Sunny 测试仪测量涂层厚度时, 指定此时间跨度是为了获得可比较的结果.

1.4 Slippery properties are sometimes produced by additives in plastic materials. 助剂与薄膜基体有不同程度的相容性. 它们可能会开花或渗透到表面并改变滑动特性. Since these effects are time-dependent, the measurement of such films needs to be related to the age of the film.

ISO标准 8295-1995 “Determination of friction coefficient of plastic film and sheet

2 规范性参考文件
The following standards contain provisions that, 在此引用, 构成本国际标准的条款. 发布时, 显示的版本有效. All standards are subject to revision and parties to an agreement based on this international Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the following new versions of the standard. IEC and ISO members maintain a register of currently valid international standards.

ISO标准 291:1977, 塑料 – 用于监管和测试的标准大气.

3 定义
就本标准而言, 以下定义适用.

3.1 摩擦

Two surfaces in contact with each other will accumulate resistance to sliding. 静摩擦力和动摩擦力是有区别的.

ISO标准 8295-1995 “Determination of friction coefficient of plastic film and sheet

3.1.1 静摩擦力

Friction that needs to be overcome as a “临界点” 在滑动运动开始时.

3.1.2 动摩擦


3.2 摩擦力

The force needed to overcome friction. There is a difference between static friction force F S and dynamic friction force FD.

3.3 法向力 Fp

Force perpendicular to the contact surface.

ISO标准 8295-1995 “Determination of friction coefficient of plastic film and sheet

3.4 摩擦系数

The ratio of the friction force to the normal force perpendicular to the two surfaces in contact.

3.4.1 静摩擦系数mml_m1

3.4.2 动摩擦系数mml_m2

笔记 1: 薄膜的摩擦系数通常在 0,2 和 1.

笔记 2: * 在这种情况下, the coefficient of friction is a property independent of the test equipment and test conditions. Since thin films generally perform poorly, all test parameters are specified in this international standard.

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