Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

ISO标准 (国际标准化组织) 是国家标准机构的全球联盟 (ISO 成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已设立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员机构都有权派代表参加该委员会. 与 ISO 联络的国际政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (恒温恒湿试验箱) 关于电气标准化的所有问题.

国际标准按照部分给出的规则起草 3 ISO/IEC 指令.

技术委员会通过的国际标准草案将分发给各成员机构进行投票. 作为国际标准发布需要至少 75% 成员机构数量.

国际标准ISO 15359 由 ISO/TC 技术委员会制定 6, 纸, 纸板和纸浆, SC小组委员会 2, Test Methods and quality Specifications for paper and board.


Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

This standard describes procedures for the determination of static and dynamic friction coefficients of paper or board by horizontal method.

纸张表面的状况取决于它们的历史. 它们的摩擦特性很大程度上取决于静摩擦系数和动摩擦系数, which in this international standard are determined by sliding one sheet of paper onto another or onto another surface on a horizontal plane, with a downward vertical force applied to the upper material. The frictional properties are related to the horizontal forces required to initiate and maintain motion between two surfaces.

摩擦系数是两个表面的特性. 获得的系数值受测试条件的影响. 在本标准规定的条件下, the condition of the two surfaces may or may not be related to the condition of the surface in a particular end-use situation. 然而, 测试结果可用于确定被测表面的综合特性.

When measured in machine direction MD or transverse CD, the friction coefficient of machine-made paper may be different. 通常, there are differences between the two sides of a paper.

对于一些论文, 比如复印纸, 它可能只对第一张纸的静摩擦系数感兴趣, 那是, the coefficient obtained without prior sliding of the surface between the lower surface of one sheet and the upper surface of another similar sheet.

对于某些其他类型的纸张, 如运输袋纸, 箱板纸和实心纤维板, the coefficient of friction after a certain degree of wear between surfaces may be important. 在本标准中, one specimen is slid three times with respect to another in order to determine the coefficient of friction of a worn surface. Measure the force required to start and hold the slide on the third rail.

纸张等级的预期用途决定了要接触的纸张面, 纸样本相对于滑动方向的方向, and the number and type of friction coefficient to be evaluated.

附录 A 提供了一个推荐符号列表,用于指示被测表面的方向和位置.

附录 A 总结了纸制品和塑料的一些常用标准方法的测试条件.


Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

1 范围
This standard specifies

— 基于水平面原理的摩擦试验方法, 和

A procedure for determining static and dynamic friction coefficients before and after a specified amount of wear between surfaces.


2 规范性引用
下列规范性文件包含的条款, 在此引用, 构成本国际标准的条款. 对于过时的参考, any subsequent revisions or amendments to these publications will not apply. 然而, Parties to an agreement based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying new versions of the following normative instruments. 对于未注明日期的参考资料, a new version of the standard-setting document referred to applies. ISO 和 IEC 成员维护当前有效国际标准的登记册.

ISO标准 186:1994, 纸和纸板 – sampling to determine average quality.

ISO标准 187:1990, 纸, 纸板和纸浆. 调节和测试的标准大气以及样品大气和调节监测程序.

ISO标准 4046:1978, 纸, 木板, 纸浆及相关术语 – 词汇表.

Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

3 术语和定义
For the purposes of this International Standard, 以下术语和定义适用.

3.1 摩擦


3.2 静摩擦力


笔记 1: 启动运动所需的力等于抵抗运动启动所需的力.

3.3 静摩擦系数μS

The ratio of static friction to the vertical force applied to two surfaces in a friction test

3.4 Dynamic Friction


Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

笔记 1: The force required to keep sliding is equal to the force to resist sliding maintenance.

3.5 Dynamic friction coefficient m·

In a friction test, the ratio of dynamic friction to the force applied perpendicular to two surfaces

3.6 Slope Time

The time required to increase the horizontal applied force from zero to the static friction value

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