
ISO 105-G03-0Test standard for color fastness to atmospheric ozone

介绍 国际标准化组织 (国际标准化组织) 是国家标准机构的全球联盟 (ISO 成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已设立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员机构都有权派代表参加该委员会. 与 ISO 联络的国际政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (恒温恒湿试验箱) 在所有问题上 [...]

ISO标准 11130-2017 金属和合金的腐蚀 – 盐溶液中的替代浸渍测试

introduce The corrosion of metals is affected by various factors, 这可能会因环境条件而发生很大变化. 当使用摆杆 Sunny 测试仪测量涂层厚度时, 如本文档所述, 在交替浸泡测试期间确定的金属耐腐蚀性可能会根据所选测试溶液的不同而有很大差异, 浸泡时的温度, 以及测试干燥过程中的温度和湿度. 当使用摆杆 Sunny 测试仪测量涂层厚度时, the results of alternative immersion corrosion tests cannot be used as an indication of the corrosion resistance of metals tested in all [...]

ASTM G156-2017 耐候标准物质的选择和表征的标准实践

意义及用途 4.1 老化参考物质用于实验室加速暴露测试,以验证同一仪器不同时间运行测试的一致性 (重复性) 或在不同的仪器或实验室中 (再现性), 使用相同的曝光条件, 或两者. 定义暴露条件一致性的规范是基于参考材料在定义的时间段后的性能变化. 一些风化参考材料用于定义暴露时间. The specifications for [...]

ASTM G167-2015 使用直接直接辐射表校准直接辐射表的标准测试方法

意义及用途 4.1 A pyrheliometer is a radiometer designed to measure the sum of solar radiation and sky radiation in proportion to the height of the sun, atmospheric conditions and cloud cover that may be produced. When tilted toward the equator, beta Angle, the pyrheliometer measures only hemispherical radiation that falls on the plane of the radiation receptor. 4.2 This test method is a practical method for calibrating a reference pyrometer. While the number of sun trackers, masking discs, instantaneous [...]

ASTM G169-2021 自然老化测试基本统计方法应用标准指南

ASTM G169-2021 Release information Standard Number ASTM G169-01(2021) Standard Guide for the application of basic statistical methods for natural aging tests Standard Guide for Application of Basic Statistical Methods to Weathering Tests Release Date 2021 Implementation date Date of repeal None China Standard classification number A41 Isc 19.040 (环境测试) Published by US-ASTM ASTM G169-2021 Standard Guide for the Application of Basic Statistical Methods for Natural Aging Tests ASTM G169-2021 Scope of application The correct use of statistics as part of a weathering program can greatly increase the usefulness of results. [...]

ASTM G172-2019 Guidance for Statistical Analysis of Life Data for Accelerated Operation

意义及用途 4.1 The nature of accelerated service life estimation generally requires that stresses be applied to the material being evaluated above those experienced under conditions of use. For non-constant use pressures, such as time-varying weather experienced outdoors, it may actually be useful to choose an accelerating stress fixed at slightly below (say 90%) the maximum level of outdoor experience. By controlling all variables except those used to accelerate degradation, you can model the expected effects of that variable [...]

ASTM G53-1996 Standard Practice for Non-Metallic Materials Exposure Light, Water Exposure Meter (Fluorescent UV-Condensation Type)

半径 1.1 This code covers the rationale and operating procedures for the use of fluorescent ultraviolet (紫外线) and condensing devices to simulate deterioration caused by sunlight and water such as rain or dew. 1.2 这种做法仅限于获取方法, measuring and controlling exposure conditions and procedures. It does not specify the appropriate exposure conditions for the material to be tested. Sample preparation and result evaluation are included in ASTM test methods or specifications for specific materials. 1.3 Values expressed [...]

ASTM G67-2019 Wet SO₂ Corrosion Test Method

意义及用途 4.1 This test method provides a quantitative measurement of the sensitivity of Al-Mg and Al-Mg-Mn alloys to intergranular corrosion. Nitric acid dissolves the second phase, the aluminum-magnesium intermetallic compound (βAl-Mg), preferentially over the solid solution of magnesium in the aluminum matrix. When the compound is precipitated along the grain boundary in a relatively continuous network, the preferential effect of attack is to corrode around the grains, causing them to fall off the sample. This particle shedding results [...]

ASTM G69-2020 测定铝合金潜在腐蚀性的标准测试方法

ASTM G69-2020 Release information Standard number ASTM G69-2020 Standard test method for determination of potential corrosivity of aluminium alloys English name Standard Test Method for Measurement of Corrosion Potentials of Aluminum Alloys Release Date 2020 Implementation date Date of repeal None International Standard Classification Number 77.120.10 (铝及铝合金) Published by US-ASTM ASTM G69-2020 Scope of application 1.1 该测试方法涵盖了腐蚀电位的测量程序 (看注释 1) of an aluminum alloy in an aqueous solution of sodium chloride with enough hydrogen peroxide [...]

ASTM G84-2020Measurement of Wetting Time of Surfaces Exposed to Wet Conditions in Atmospheric Corrosion Tests

ASTM G84-2020 Release information Standard number ASTM G84-2020 Standard practice for measurement of wetting time of surfaces exposed to humid conditions in atmospheric corrosion tests English name Standard Practice for Measurement of Time-of-Wetness on Surfaces Exposed to Wetting Conditions as in Atmospheric Corrosion Testing Release Date 2020 Implementation date Date of repeal None Isc 17.040.20 (Properties of surfaces) Published by US-ASTM ASTM G84-2020Measurement of Wetting Time of Surfaces Exposed to Wet Conditions in Atmospheric Corrosion Tests ASTM G84-2020 Scope of application 1.1 This practice covers a technique for [...]