CS-300S Tiny Single GlossMeter

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CS-300S Tiny Single GlossMeter

Small aperture gloss meter made by CHNSpec optimizes light source and adopts dual optical paths which highly improves measurement accuracy and repeatability. Instrument is with different test modes, PC software, and large volume rechargeable lithium battery to improve the user experience.


CS-300S Tiny Single GlossMeter

Ознайомлення з продуктом

1). Extra Small Measurement Aperture

2*3mm measurement aperture makes it suitable to measure gloss for curve and irregular objects.


2). International Repeatability

Optimal design of the light source ensures the test result stability from the beginning of the measurement.

Dual-optical path technology, Japanese sensors, U.S. processor chips ensure accuracy for every gloss detection


3). Different test modes to meet the need of different requirement from customers.

Instrument is with both simple and statistic test modes.

Simple Mode: display the gloss test result

Statistic Mode: Compare gloss difference between target and standard samples.


4). Powerful PC Software

Instrument can connect with PC by USB cable, test result can be transfer into software for future analysis and generate test report.


5.).Large Battery Capacity

We fully utilized every space of the device and specially custom made advanced high density lithium battery in 3000mAH , which ensures continuous testing for 54300 Лінійна розтирання та спиртовий абразер.

CS-300S Tiny Single GlossMeter

Technical Data

Test Angle60 degree
Measurement Aperture (мм)2x3mm
Test range60°:0-600GU
Stability0-100GU: 0.1GU

100-600 GU:1GU

Test modesSimple and Statistic Mode
Повторюваність0-100GU:0.2 GU

100-2000GU:0.2% GU

ТочністьConform to JJG 696 standard for first class gloss meter
Час тестуванняLess than 1s
Data storage100 standard samples; 10000 test samples
Розмір(мм)165*51*77 (L*W*H)
ВагаAbout 400g
Мовукитайська та англійська
Battery capacity3000mAh lithium battery
PortUSB, Bluetooth (необов'язковий)
Програмне забезпечення для ПКInclude
Working Temperature0-40LR-B007 Тестер сольового спрею з сенсорним екраном
Working Humidity<85%, no condensation
Accessories5V/1A charger, кабель USB, operating manual, software CD, calibration tile, verification certification

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