Application of breaking strength tester in cotton fabric testing

Cotton is a common textile, widely used in clothing, home and other fields. The breaking strength of cotton fabric is one of the important indexes of its quality and reliability. The breaking strength tester can help manufacturers and users evaluate the breaking strength of cotton fabric, Ürünlerin kalitesini ve güvenilirliğini artırmak için.

Pamuklu bez uygulamasında, Kopma mukavemeti test cihazı esas olarak farklı pamuklu malzemelerin kopma mukavemetini test etmek için kullanılır, maksimum taşıma kuvveti dahil, rupture elongation and other indicators. Farklı proseslerin ve hammaddelerin kırılma mukavemetini test ederek, manufacturers can determine better production processes and raw materials, thus producing better quality cotton cloth. Ek olarak, the breaking strength tester can also help manufacturers and users know the breaking strength of cotton fabric under different humidity and temperature conditions, so as to determine its application range and service life.

Application of breaking strength tester in cotton fabric testing

Test sürecinde, the test sample needs to be prepared, placed on the test table, and the test parameters need to be adjusted before the test begins. Test boyunca, the breaking strength tester will carry out a rupture test on the sample to determine its breaking strength. Test tamamlandıktan sonra, the breaking strength of the cotton can be evaluated according to the test results, Ürünün kalitesini ve güvenilirliğini artırmak için.

The following is a table of steps for testing cotton fabric with a breaking strength tester:

Application of breaking strength tester in cotton fabric testing

Step description
1 Test örneğini hazırlayın, usually rectangular or square, size and shape should meet the test requirements
2 Place the test sample on the test table and adjust the test fixture to ensure that the sample is fixed
3. Test gereksinimlerine göre, kırılma mukavemeti test cihazının test parametrelerini ayarlayın, test hızı gibi, Test modu, vb
4 Start the test instrument and test. The tester will perform a rupture test on the sample
5. testten sonra, evaluate the breaking strength of the cotton cloth according to the test results
The North and South tides remind you: in the breaking strength test, test parametrelerinin seçimi farklı test gereksinimlerine göre ayarlanmalıdır, test hızı gibi, test metodu, vb. Ek olarak, the size and shape of the test sample should meet the test requirements to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test results. In the process of testing, attention should also be paid to the treatment of test samples to avoid scratches or other defects on the surface of the samples that may affect the test results.

In short, the breaking strength tester has important application value in the manufacture and use of cotton fabric, which can help manufacturers and users to understand the breaking strength of cotton fabric and improve the quality and reliability of products. During testing, attention should be paid to the use of the instrument and the adjustment of test parameters to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results.