ИСО 23737-2021 “Методе за процену хабања и својства трења фине керамике (напредна керамика, напредна техничка керамика) танких филмова у влажним и сувим условима”

ИСО (Међународна организација за стандардизацију) is a global federation of national standards bodies (Тела чланица ИСО). Развој међународних стандарда се обично спроводи преко ИСО техничких комитета. Each member group interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on the Committee. International organizations, governments and non-governmental organizations in contact with ISO are also involved in this work. ИСО блиско сарађује са Међународном електротехничком комисијом (ИЕЦ) о свим питањима електричне стандардизације.

Део 1 of the ISO/IEC Directive describes the procedures used to develop this document and for further maintenance. Нарочито, треба обратити пажњу на различите критеријуме одобрења који су потребни за различите врсте ИСО докумената. This document has been drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of ISO/IEC Directive Part 2 (види исо.орг/дирецтивес).

Please note that some elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ИСО није одговоран за идентификацију било ког или свих таквих патената. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be found in the introduction and/or list of ISO Patent declarations received (видети исо.орг/патентс).

Сва трговачка имена коришћена у овом документу су дата као информација ради погодности корисника и не представљају препоруку.

ИСО 23737-2021 “Методе за процену хабања и својства трења фине керамике (напредна керамика, напредна техничка керамика) танких филмова у влажним и сувим условима”

Explanations of the relevant standards of voluntary, ISO specific terms related to conformity assessment and the expression of meaning, and the ISO in the technical barriers to trade (ТБТ) придржавати се принципа светске трговинске организације (СТО) информације, молимо погледајте исо.орг/исо/фореворд.хтмл.

This document was prepared by the ISO/TC 206 Technical Committee on Fine Ceramics.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be referred to the user’s national standards body. Комплетна листа ових институција може се наћи на исо.орг/мемберс.хтмл.

Fine ceramic films are used in a variety of applications, such as sensors, actuators or other micromechanical components; Display element; Memory element; Recording media; Optical components; Packaging film; As well as films and glass for buildings and vehicles. In the industrial application of fine ceramic films, wear resistance is an important index for evaluation. The wear resistance of fine ceramic films is greatly affected by the ambient humidity and the humidity history of the films. Fine ceramic films are also used in different humidity environments, requiring criteria for evaluating wear resistance and coefficient of friction over a wide humidity range. The standards published to date for wear resistance testing only assume a temperature environment of 23 °C and a relative humidity of 50%; The thickness of the film to be measured is also relatively large, several to 10μm. These test procedures are not suitable for evaluating the wear resistance of fine ceramic films with thickness up to approximately 1 µm and applied to electronic and optical devices because the wear resistance of small indentation loads is affected by relative humidity in the test environment, тј. the mechanism used in the wear testing of fine ceramic films with small indentation loads is strongly affected by the relative humidity of the test environment. Стога, the wear test of fine ceramic films should be carried out under the specified relative humidity conditions. This document provides measurement methods that help to accurately evaluate the wear resistance of fine ceramic films in dry and high humidity environments, such films can be up to about 1 µm thick and deposited on thin substrates or organic polymer films. The purpose of this document is to promote industrial development through the rapid dissemination of these measurement methods.

ИСО 23737-2021 “Методе за процену хабања и својства трења фине керамике (напредна керамика, напредна техничка керамика) танких филмова у влажним и сувим условима”

1 Scope of Application
This document specifies a method for testing the wear resistance and friction coefficient of fine ceramic films in dry and high humidity environments, where such films may be up to approximately 1 µm thick and deposited on a substrate or base, including thin or very thin organic polymer film substrates.

2 Normative reference documents
When the following documents are referenced in the text, some or all of them constitute the requirements of this document. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated citations, a new version of the referenced document (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 3274, Geometric Product Specification (GPS) – Surface texture: profiling methodNominal characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments

ИСО 13565-1, Geometric Product Specification (GPS) – Surface texture: section method Surfaces with layered functional properties – Део 1: filtration and general measurement conditions

ИСО 13565-2, Geometric Product Specification (GPS) – Surface texture: Section method Surfaces with layered functional properties – Део 2: Characterization of height using linear material ratio curves

ИСО 20507, Fine ceramics (Advanced ceramics, advanced Technical ceramics) – Vocabulary

ИСО 23737-2021 “Методе за процену хабања и својства трења фине керамике (напредна керамика, напредна техничка керамика) танких филмова у влажним и сувим условима”

3 Одредбе и дефиниције
За потребе овог документа, термини и дефиниције дате у ИСО 20507 and the following apply.

3.2 Friction Force

The resistance exerted on a relative body when objects in contact move or tend to slide against each other

3.3 Friction coefficient

The dimensionless ratio of friction to applied normal force

3.4 Wear Test

Tests to evaluate the friction and wear characteristics caused by sliding contact motion

Белешка 1: In a narrow sense, термин “wear testrefers to the process by which wear occurs on the specimen as a result of sliding motion; In a broad sense, it means processes such as sample preparation, wear formation, friction coefficient measurement, and evaluation of wear tracks and wear parts formed on inverse materials.

ИСО 23737-2021 “Методе за процену хабања и својства трења фине керамике (напредна керамика, напредна техничка керамика) танких филмова у влажним и сувим условима”

3.5 Drying Chamber

A sealed container for removing moisture from the specimen surface while the specimen is kept in a vacuum

3.6 Релативна влажност

The ratio of partial pressure of water vapor to saturated vapor pressure at a given temperature

3.7 Dry air

Air with a dew point of −60 °C or lower at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa

3.8 Dry Nitrogen

Nitrogen with a dew point of −60 °C or less at an absolute pressure of 101.3 kPa

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