표면 거칠기 시험기


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표면 거칠기 시험기


기술 데이터

20 Testing ParametersRa, Rz=Ry(그), Rq, Rt=Rmax, Rp, Rv, R3z, R3y, RzJIS, Rsk, Rku, Rsm, Rmr, Rx,

RPc, Rk, Rpk, Rvk, Mr1, Mr2;

측정 범위Ra: 0.005~16.000μm Rz: 0.02~160.00μm
Sample Length0.25, 0.80, 2.50mm
Evaluation Length(1~5)엘
Maximum Drive Stroke17.5mm/0.7inch
Indication Accuracy0.001처짐 시험기
Indication Error≤±10%
Data Storage100 여러 떼
Rechargeable Li-battery
Relative Humidity<90%
Weight of Host0.3킬로그램



표면 거칠기 시험기


주요 특징


*Stylish design with plastic shell, inspired by “TRANSFORMERS”;

*Visual waveform display;

*Electromechanical integration design, small volume, 가벼운 무게, 사용하기 쉬운;

*Using DSP chip to control and data processing, 전압은 220v보다 높지 않습니다., 저전력 소비;

*128 엑스 64 OLED dot matrix display, digital / graphic display; highlight no perspective;

*Intuitive and rich display information, can display all the parameters and graphics;

*ISO와 호환 가능, 에서, 안시, JIS national standards;

*Residual quantity icon, prompting the user to charge;

*Continuous working time: 이상 20 시간;

*Real-time clock settings and display, convenient data recording and storage;

*With automatic dormancy, automatic shutdown and power saving function;

*Multi-info Display: measurement information, menu prompt, fault and power switch information indicated.

*With PC software, can be connected to a computer and printer;

*Optional different sensor, measuring platform, 미니 프린터, extension rod and other accessories;

*Support OEM Service, high price performance.


표면 거칠기 시험기



KR220 Host1 PC
Standard Sensor KS1001 PC
Standard Calibration Block1 PC
Bracket for Calibration Block1 PC
Adjustable Support1 PC
전원 충전기1 PC
USB 케이블1 PC
대리석 등1 PC
User manual1 PC
악기 케이스1 PC
없는1 연령

