ISO 21318-2007 “Determination of electrical conductivity of water-based extracts of plastic epoxy resins

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ISO 21318 ISO/TC 技術委員会によって開発されました。 61, プラスチック, 分科会SC 12, Thermosetting Materials.

ISO 21318-2007 “Determination of electrical conductivity of water-based extracts of plastic epoxy resins

In the case of epoxy resins used as insulation for electronic devices, the presence of ionic impurities in the epoxy resins (such as chloride, ナトリウム, and catalyst residues) can cause device failure. Instead of measuring these impurities individually, test methods can be used to assess their overall content by measuring the conductivity of the resin extract obtained by extracting the resin with water at high temperatures. Due to its practicality and simplicity, the method is being widely used for the quality control of epoxy resins for electronic insulation applications.

Safety StatementPersons using this document should be familiar with normal laboratory practices (if applicable). This document is not intended to address all security concerns, もしあれば, その使用に関連する. It is the user’s responsibility to establish appropriate safety and health practices and ensure compliance with any regulatory requirements.

1 範囲
This standard specifies a method for determining the electrical conductivity of aqueous extracts obtained by aqueous extraction of epoxy resins at 95°C. This method is only suitable for epoxy resins in a molten state at extraction temperature (95℃).

This method is important for epoxy resins used as insulation materials for electronic devices. The conductivity of the extract is used as a measure of the concentration of ionic substances in the resin.

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