YO ASI 1247-1-21 pigmentos de aluminio para pinturas – Parte 1: General aluminium pigments

YO ASI (Organización Internacional de Normalización) es una alianza global de organismos nacionales de normalización (Organismos miembros de ISO). El desarrollo de normas internacionales generalmente se lleva a cabo a través de los comités técnicos de ISO.. Cada institución miembro interesada en un tema sobre el cual se ha establecido un comité técnico tiene derecho a estar representada en ese comité. Las organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales internacionales que se relacionan con ISO también están involucradas en este trabajo.. ISO trabaja en estrecha colaboración con la Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional (CEI) en todo lo relacionado con la normalización eléctrica.

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YO ASI 1247-1-21 pigmentos de aluminio para pinturas – Parte 1: General aluminium pigments

Voluntario, normas relacionadas y evaluación de la conformidad terminología específica ISO relacionada y expresar el significado de la ISO en las barreras técnicas al comercio (OTC) adherirse al principio de la organización mundial del comercio (OMC) información, consulte iso.org/iso/foreword.html.

This document was prepared by the ISO/TC 256 Technical Committee on Pigments, Dyes and Fillers.

The first edition of ISO 1247-1, together with ISO 1247-2, eliminated and replaced the technically revised ISO 1247-1974. It also incorporates amendments to ISO 1247:1974 /Amd 1:1982.

Los principales cambios con respecto a la edición anterior son los siguientes:

Added an introduction explaining the reasons for the division;

The addition of article 3, terms and definitions, and the inclusion of terms such asnon-volatile substances” y “covering power”;

YO ASI 1247-1-21 pigmentos de aluminio para pinturas – Parte 1: General aluminium pigments

The distinction between surface treated and surface untreated aluminium pigments is introduced in articles 4 y 5;

Deletion of the former paragraph 4.2 “classes”;

– “105°C volatile substances” para “non-volatile substances”;

Delete the original article 6 “embalaje”;

– Artículo 7, muestreo, has been simplified to a reference to ISO 15528;

– Mesa 1 adds the requirements and test methods ofpigment specific surface area”, “particle size distribution” y “poder oculto” and the corresponding test methods, and is renamed “Requisitos y métodos de prueba”;

The test method ofmanganeseis deleted from the metal impurities in Table 1;

Flame atomic absorption spectrometry was introduced to determine metal impurities;

Delete the original article 13 “unregulated blade force test”;

– Mesa 3, the test section, ha sido eliminado;

– Artículo 16 has been added to determine concealment forces;

The normative references have been updated and the text has been edited and revised.

Una lista de todos los componentes de la ISO. 1247 La serie se puede encontrar en el sitio web de ISO.

Cualquier comentario o pregunta sobre este documento debe dirigirse al organismo de normalización nacional del usuario.. Puede encontrar una lista completa de estas instituciones en www.iso.org/members.html.

YO ASI 1247-1-21 pigmentos de aluminio para pinturas – Parte 1: General aluminium pigments

Since the beginning of the new millennium, with advances in technology and product development, new aluminum pigments have flourished, and these aluminum pigments are used in a wide range of industrial sectors as heat or rust resistant coatings or colorants. Aluminum pigments can be conveniently divided into two groups according to their form: general aluminum pigments produced during milling and vacuum metallized aluminum pigments (VMP) (ver ISO 1247-2). Because of the different technical requirements for aluminum pigments used in different fields, it is necessary to develop an international standard for each of these two groups.

In order to meet the needs of aluminum pigment marketing, this document describes the characteristics ofparticle size distribution” y “poder oculto” and their corresponding test methods.

In order to improve the safety of aluminium pigments, low flash point organic solvents and additives have been replaced by high flash point reagents, “105°C volatile substanceshas been replaced bynon-volatile substances”, and test methods have been developed according to ISO 3251.

The previous edition (es decir. YO ASI 1247:1974) used different spectrophotometric methods for the determination of lead, iron and copper, and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) titration for the determination of zinc. These methods are cumbersome to operate. The method used to determine lead involves the use of potassium cyanate, a highly toxic agent rarely used since the 1990s, and the method used to determine zinc is only suitable for samples with a total zinc content of 0.10% or more, and is not suitable for the current state of the aluminum pigment industry. While these old methods are retained in this document, flame atomic absorption spectrometry is introduced as a new option for the determination of the above-mentioned metal impurities. This method is faster, easier to operate, has a wider detection range, and is becoming more and more popular.

YO ASI 1247-1-21 pigmentos de aluminio para pinturas – Parte 1: General aluminium pigments

In order to use as few toxic agents as possible, this document uses 2-butoxyethanol or n-butyl acetate instead of acetone, which is now banned or restricted in many countries as a material that may be used in the manufacture of illicit drugs.

1 Rango
This document specifies the requirements and corresponding test methods for aluminium pigments suitable for paint, incluso:

a) General coatings, decorative coatings and protective coatings, y

B) Special finishing coatings.

2 Referencias normativas
Los siguientes archivos están referenciados en el texto de una manera que constituye parte o todos los requisitos de este documento.. Para referencias fechadas, sólo se aplica la versión citada. Para referencias sin fecha, una nueva versión de la referencia (incluyendo cualquier revisión) se aplica.

YO ASI 385, laboratory glasswareburette

YO ASI 648, Laboratory glasswareSingle volume pipettes

YO ASI 793, aluminium and aluminium alloysdetermination of ironPhilolin photometric method

YO ASI 795, aluminium and aluminium alloysDetermination of copper contentoxalodihydrazide photometric method

YO ASI 808, aluminium and aluminium alloysDetermination of siliconSpectrophotometric method using reduced silicon-molybdenum complexes

YO ASI 1247-1-21 pigmentos de aluminio para pinturas – Parte 1: General aluminium pigments

YO ASI 1042, laboratory glasswareSingle label volumetric bottles

YO ASI 1784, aluminium alloysDetermination of zincEDTA titration method

YO ASI 3696, analytical laboratory water – Especificaciones y métodos de prueba

YO ASI 9277, Determination of specific surface area of solids by gas adsorptionBET method

YO ASI 13320, particle size analysisLaser diffraction methods

YO ASI 15528, pinturas, barnices y materias primas para pinturas y barnices – Muestreo

YO ASI 18451-1, pigments, dyes and fillersterminology – Parte 1: General terminology

YO ASI 18451-2, pigments, dyes and fillersterminology – Parte 2: Classification of colouring materials according to their colour and chemical aspects

YO ASI 1247-1-21 pigmentos de aluminio para pinturas – Parte 1: General aluminium pigments

3 Términos y definiciones
A los efectos de este documento, los términos y definiciones dados en ISO 18451-1, YO ASI 18451-2 y se aplican los artículos siguientes.

3.1 Non-volatile substances

A mass residue obtained by evaporation under specific conditions

Nota 1: Different terms in place of the termnon-volatile substance”, such as solids, dry residues, dry matter, solid substances, baking residues are often used together with their respective abbreviations. El término “non-volatile substances”, which also applies in ISO 3251, should be used together with the abbreviationNVinstead of these terms.

[Fuente: YO ASI 4618:2014, 2.176]

3.2 Hiding power

The ability of a coloring medium to hide the color or chromatic aberration of a substrate

[Fuente: YO ASI 18314-2:2015, 2.1.6]

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