Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

ISO (Internationale Standardisierungsorganisation) ist eine globale Allianz nationaler Normungsgremien (ISO-Mitgliedsorganisationen). Die Entwicklung internationaler Standards erfolgt in der Regel durch technische Komitees der ISO. Jede Mitgliedsinstitution, die an einem Thema interessiert ist, zu dem ein Fachausschuss eingerichtet wurde, hat das Recht, in diesem Ausschuss vertreten zu sein. An dieser Arbeit sind auch internationale Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsorganisationen beteiligt, die mit der ISO zusammenarbeiten. ISO arbeitet eng mit der International Electrotechnical Commission zusammen (IEC) in allen Fragen der elektrischen Normung.

Internationale Normen werden in Übereinstimmung mit den Regeln in Teil erstellt 3 der ISO/IEC-Richtlinie.

Der vom Technischen Komitee angenommene Entwurf einer internationalen Norm wird den Mitgliedsgremien zur Abstimmung vorgelegt. Die Veröffentlichung als internationaler Standard bedarf der Zustimmung von mindestens 75% der Mitgliedsinstitutionen.

Der internationale Standard ISO 15359 wurde vom Technischen Komitee ISO/TC entwickelt 6, Papier, Karton und Zellstoff, Unterausschuss SC 2, Test Methods and quality Specifications for paper and board.

Annexes A and A to this standard are for reference only.

Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

This standard describes procedures for the determination of static and dynamic friction coefficients of paper or board by horizontal method.

The condition of paper surfaces depends on their history. Their frictional properties are largely determined by the static and dynamic coefficients of friction, which in this international standard are determined by sliding one sheet of paper onto another or onto another surface on a horizontal plane, with a downward vertical force applied to the upper material. The frictional properties are related to the horizontal forces required to initiate and maintain motion between two surfaces.

The coefficient of friction is a property of two surfaces. The value obtained for the coefficient is affected by the test conditions. Under the conditions specified in this standard, the condition of the two surfaces may or may not be related to the condition of the surface in a particular end-use situation. Jedoch, the test results are useful for determining the combined properties of the surface under test.

When measured in machine direction MD or transverse CD, the friction coefficient of machine-made paper may be different. Usually, there are differences between the two sides of a paper.

For some papers, such as copy paper, it may be of interest only to the static friction coefficient of the first sheet, das ist, the coefficient obtained without prior sliding of the surface between the lower surface of one sheet and the upper surface of another similar sheet.

For some other types of paper, such as transport bag paper, box board paper and solid fiberboard, the coefficient of friction after a certain degree of wear between surfaces may be important. In diesem Standard, one specimen is slid three times with respect to another in order to determine the coefficient of friction of a worn surface. Measure the force required to start and hold the slide on the third rail.

The intended use of the paper grade determines the sides of the paper to be contacted, the orientation of the paper specimen with respect to the direction of slide, and the number and type of friction coefficient to be evaluated.

Annex A provides a list of recommended symbols to indicate the orientation and position of the surface under test.

Appendix A summarizes the test conditions for some common standard methods for paper products and plastics.

A bibliography is attached.

Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

1 ~2000GU 60°
This standard specifies

Friction test method based on horizontal plane principle, und

A procedure for determining static and dynamic friction coefficients before and after a specified amount of wear between surfaces.

It is suitable for paper and cardboard.

2 Normative Verweisungen
Die folgenden normativen Dokumente enthalten Bestimmungen, die, durch Bezugnahme hierin, stellen die Bestimmungen dieser Internationalen Norm dar. Für datierte Referenzen, any subsequent revisions or amendments to these publications will not apply. Jedoch, Parties to an agreement based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying new versions of the following normative instruments. Für undatierte Verweise, a new version of the standard-setting document referred to applies. ISO and IEC members maintain a register of currently valid international standards.

ISO 186:1994, Papier und Karton – sampling to determine average quality.

ISO 187:1990, Papier, Karton und Zellstoff. Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and sample atmosphere and conditioning monitoring procedures.

ISO 4046:1978, Papier-, Planke, pulp and related termsGlossary.

Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

3 Begriffe und Definitionen
For the purposes of this International Standard, Es gelten die folgenden Begriffe und Definitionen.

3.1 Friction

Resistance that occurs when the surface of one material tends to slide or slide over another surface of the same or other material

3.2 Static Friction

The force that resists the initiation of motion by sliding one surface over another

Notiz 1: The force required to initiate motion is equal to the force required to resist motion initiation.

3.3 Static friction coefficient μS

The ratio of static friction to the vertical force applied to two surfaces in a friction test

3.4 Dynamic Friction

Resistance to the constant sliding of one surface over another

Discussion of coating durability: natural climate exposure test method

Notiz 1: The force required to keep sliding is equal to the force to resist sliding maintenance.

3.5 Dynamic friction coefficient m·

In a friction test, the ratio of dynamic friction to the force applied perpendicular to two surfaces

3.6 Slope Time

The time required to increase the horizontal applied force from zero to the static friction value

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