LS-1305-3 Offset Ink Mixer

LS-1305-3 Offset Ink Mixer


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LS-1305-3 Offset Ink Mixer


1.220 proti, 1.1 Kw, speed and mixing time can be set, the microcomputer control system. Simple operation, snadná údržba.

2.Run force strong, stable operation, strong and durable,Viskozimetr řady NDJ:0-400r/m.

3.High-speed mixing ink, malovat, mixing effect is more even, save the time of mixing ink, printing effect more perfect.

4.Mixing barrel capacity:40KG

5.Suitable for: Offset ink,povlak, malovat, printing ink mixed stirring.


LS-1305-3 Offset Ink Mixer

Technické specifikace

gross weight:110KG

N/G Weightl100KG

Tlak v hnacím systému motoru:1000mm

Tlak v hnacím systému motoru:750mm

Tlak v hnacím systému motoru:500mm

Mixing barrel capacity:40L



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