ASTM D1149-2018 Standard Test Method for Rubber Breakage and Cracking in Ozone-Controlled Environments

Význam a použití 4.1 The significance of these test methods lies in the ability to distinguish the degree of ozone resistance under limited and specific conditions of accelerated testing. The degree of resistance is judged by the appearance and size of cracks formed on the surface of the material under test. 4.2 In use, rubber materials deteriorate when exposed to ozone. There needs to be a test method in which simple, accelerated time/exposure, comparing the ability of the material to resist [...]

ASTM D1248-2016 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastic Extruded Materials for Wire and Cable

The code specifies the identification of polyethylene plastic extrusion materials for wire and cable so that sellers and buyers can agree on the acceptability of different commercial batches or shipments. Polyethylene plastics are primarily identified based on two characteristics, namely density and flow rate (formerly known as melt index). The former is the criteria for type assignment as follows: lze umístit do Petriho misky 0, Type I, Type II, Type III, and type IV, while the latter is used to specify categories, a to: [...]

ASTM D4279-2017 Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission in Transportation VesselsConstant and Cyclic Methods

Význam a použití 4.1 These test methods are generally used for the following purposes: 4.1.1 To evaluate the materials and construction of a particular type of container, 4.1.2 To compare the performance of different types of containers, 4.1.3 Determine whether the protection of a particular product or application is adequate, a 4.1.4 Maintain quality control. ASTM D4279-2017 Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission in Transportation VesselsConstant and Cyclic Methods Step 1: Rozsah 1.1 These test methods cover the determination of the water vapor transmittance [...]

ASTM D4169-2016 Standardní specifikace pro testování výkonnosti přepravních kontejnerů a systémů

Význam a použití 4.1 The practice provides guidance for evaluating transport units using a uniform system and using established test methods to represent the levels in the actual distribution. Recommended testing levels are based on available information about the shipping and loading and unloading environment and current industry/government practices and experience (1-13). 6 Tests shall be performed on the same containers in the given order. To be used as a performance test, this practice requires that the transport unit under [...]

ASTM D3654/D3654M-2019 Standard Test Method for Shear Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape

Význam a použití 4.1 Procedure A measures the ability of the pressure-sensitive tape to adhere to a standard steel plate under constant stress. This may or may not involve the tape’s ability to adhere to other surfaces. 4.2 Procedures B, C and D may be used to determine the shear adhesion of tape commonly used to seal fiberboard boxes in packaging applications. 4.3 Procedure D measures the shear adhesion of pressure-sensitive tape to non-standard fiberboard, lining board, corrugated cardboard or other tested [...]

ASTM D3759/D3759M-2019Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength and Elongation of Pressure Sensitive Tape

Význam a použití 5.1 The information provided by this test method can be used for material specifications for product design and quality assurance applications. Can be used to compare different products. 5.2 The use of the test method must be related to the test purpose. One purpose is to determine the relative strength of the tape at the time of purchase or use. Another aim is to identify or characterize a specific backing material. 5.2.1 The test may be performed on the [...]

ASTM D3815/D3815M-2019 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure Sensitive Tape with Open Flame Carbon Arc Exposure Equipment

Význam a použití 4.1 This practice does not necessarily directly simulate natural weathering exposure. 4.2 The results of this practice shall not be represented as equivalent to the results of any natural weathering test until the satisfactory relevance of the relevant material has been established. 4.3 Results may vary when operating conditions vary within the acceptable range of the instruments specified in Practice G151 and G152. ASTM D3815/D3815M-2019 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure Sensitive Tape with Open Flame Carbon Arc Exposure [...]

ASTM D4498-2015 Standard Test Method for Thermal Failure Temperature in Hot Melt Adhesive Shear

Význam a použití 4.1 Thermal failure Temperature A limit temperature is set at which the adhesive shall not be exposed during use under shear loads. Krok 1: Rozsah 1.1 The purpose of this test method is to determine the temperature of the stratification of samples bonded with hot melt adhesive under static shear forces. 1.2 Hodnoty vyjádřené v jednotkách SI se považují za standardní. Hodnoty uvedené v závorkách jsou pouze orientační. 1.3 Tato norma není určena k řešení všech bezpečnostních problémů [...]

ASTM D4499-2015 Standard Test Method for Thermal Stability of Hot Melt Adhesives

Význam a použití 5.1 Hot melt adhesives usually need to be used at higher temperatures to make the viscosity of the adhesive low enough that it can be easily handled in typical hot melt equipment. Adhesive changes caused by exposure to the harsh environment required for hot melt processing can disrupt the adhesive application process and may affect the quality of the adhesive bond. Changes in adhesive viscosity may affect the amount of adhesive dispensed by the sizing machine. Fáze [...]

ASTM D5105-2019 Standard Practice for Accelerated Outdoor Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tape Using Concentrated Natural Light

Význam a použití 4.1 This practice provides a way to qualitatively assess the impact of outdoor weathering on pressure-sensitive tapes. The resistance of the strip to outdoor weather is determined relative to the resistance of the control strip with known stability. 4.2 If the tests described in this practice produce the same type of degradation as in real time exposure to the same material, the results of these short-term tests may be used to determine the quantitative effects of natural weathering. 4.3 [...]