LSPD-500 Plasma Cleaning Machine

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Packaging printed plasma surface treatment machine,منظف ​​البلازما,Plasma cleaning machine
Functional characteristics

Product surface modification
The modification of our plasma equipment can effectively reduce the influencing factors of material pretreatment by 95%
Product surface activation
The surface activation rate of materials pretreated by our plasma equipment is 98%
Product surface cleaning
The modification of Fangrui plasma equipment can effectively reduce the influence factors of material pretreatment by 95%
Product surface bonding
The adhesion of the material surface was improved by 92% by using Fangrui plasma equipment

Packaging printed plasma surface treatment machine,منظف ​​البلازما,Plasma cleaning machine

composeThe equipment is composed of plasma generator, plasma spray gun, cabinet and so on.
Equipment cabinet size360mm x 160mm x 280mm
Rated power500دبليو(قابل للتعديل)
Number of nozzle matchingsingle nozzle
Machine connection functioncan be used with field equipment online
مزود الطاقةAC220V (±10V)
Nozzle processing width25-30مم, 35-40مم, 55-60مم (خياري)
تكرار18-25كيلو هرتز
ضغط مصدر الهواء2-2.5كلغ (external dry air source)
Gas consumption0.012m3/min
نطاق الحرارة الشغالة-10ºC ~ +50ºC
الرطوبة النسبية20%< Service temperature <93% (لا تكاثف)


Packaging printed plasma surface treatment machine,منظف ​​البلازما,Plasma cleaning machine
Test tool application description

Droplet Angle test: Place the tested material flat on the droplet Angle tester platform, and drop a drop of water on the surface with a syringe. If the water does not shrink immediately and the data is high, it indicates that the surface adhesion of the material is not enough. If the drops lay flat and the figure is low, it indicates that the adhesion has improved.

Dyne pen test: The Dyne pen is perpendicular to the surface of the material to be tested, and a straight line is drawn uniformly on the surface. If it is straight and does not shrink within 2-3 ثواني, it indicates that the surface tension of the material has reached the tension value of the test pen. If the tip of the pen is broken and condensed into small droplets, it indicates that the test pen tension value has not been reached.

plasma cleaning machine,Atmospheric pressure plasma surface treatment machine,Surface activation processor
صناعة الطيران
تطبيقات تنظيف البلازما
مع تطور صناعة الطيران, سوف يبحث المصنعون عن منتجات ذات عمر أطول, جودة أكثر موثوقية وتكلفة أقل. سابقًا, أقنعة وشرائط الطائرات مصنوعة من سبائك الألومنيوم, لكن الآن, هذه الأجزاء مصنوعة بشكل أساسي من البلاستيك المقوى بألياف الكربون. تلعب البلازما دورًا كبيرًا في هذا. استقرار السطح البلاستيكي المقوى بألياف الكربون أفضل, بحيث قدمت عملية الترابط والرش حالة أكثر كمالا

صناعة المعادن
(Whether it’s the metal accessories we wear or the metal tables and chairs we use in our homes, they may all have plasma treated surfaces. في الوقت الحاضر, people are becoming more and more sophisticated in product design. من أجل تلبية احتياجات المستهلكين، سيقوم المصنعون بإنتاج مجموعة متنوعة من المنتجات المعدنية الجميلة والمتينة لجذب السوق, يمكن القول أن المعالجة السطحية للمواد بالبلازما قد تسللت إلى حياتنا, .في الماضي 30 تاوب بيرجر ستينسبي, تستخدم البلازما ذات درجة الحرارة المنخفضة على نطاق واسع لتغيير الخواص الميكانيكية لسطح المواد المعدنية, المعالجة السطحية للبلازما للمعادن :1. يمكن تحسين مقاومة الاحتكاك والتآكل لسبائك الحديد والصلب عن طريق نترجة الشعاع الأيوني. 2. عندما يتم حقن الأيونات في سطح المعدن, يمكن تشكيل محلول معدني صلب ورواسب, لذلك يمكن تحسين صلابة وتآكل المواد المعدنية

الصناعة الطبية
تشير المواد الطبية إلى المواد غير الحية المستخدمة في ملامسة الأنسجة البيولوجية لتكوين وظائف. إنها مواد مساعدة جيدة جدًا في العلاج الطبي, بما في ذلك مواد البوليمر, المعادن, سيراميك, الزجاج أو مركب من مواد مختلفة, لقياس اللزوجة المنخفضة للغاية أدناه, والتي تستخدم على نطاق واسع في الأعضاء الاصطناعية, إصلاح جراحي, مواد طب الأسنان, مواد الكسوة, أجهزة العظام والأدوية. الخصائص الوظيفية والميكانيكية, هذه المواد جيدة جدًا, لكن التوافق الحيوي الجيد يعد أيضًا أمرًا بالغ الأهمية, باستخدام طريقة تعديل سطح البلازما يمكن أن يجعلها متوافقة بشكل جيد, البلازما فقط على سطح طبقة رقيقة من العلاج, لا يغير أداء المادة, وتأثير التعقيم. لذلك أصبحت المعالجة السطحية للبلازما تستخدم على نطاق واسع في المواد الطبية.
صناعة الأجهزة المنزلية
طلاء السطح, عمليات الرش والربط للضروريات اليومية والأجهزة المنزلية. يمكن للمعالجة المسبقة بالبلازما تحسين جودة الترابط والطلاء للمنتجات

صناعة البلاستيك
بلاستيك, ممحاة, المعادن وغيرها من المعالجة قبل الترابط, تحسين التصاق السطح, الهواتف المحمولة, أجهزة الكمبيوتر, toys and other plastic shell spray pretreatment, تحسين التصاق السطح

Packaging industry
In the field of printing and packaging applications, perhaps in the plasma surface treatment before what is not much known to the public, في الحقيقة, we very early began to use corona discharge, flame treatment surface modification method, يمكن تلخيص برنامج معالجة بيانات مقياس اللزوجة السائلة من نوع نيوتن للخصائص الانسيابية لسائل غير نيوتن, the most common form of discharge in the ionosomedielectric barrier discharge (DBD) but now low temperature plasma processor has been widely used in the packaging industry, Change the printability of the packaging surface and the adhesion of the composite surface, plasma processing function for UV, طلاء, glazing, polymer and other materials surface treatment; Professional improve coated paper, glazed paper polishing, gold and silver card, aluminum plated paper, الأشعة فوق البنفسجية, OPP, PP, PET and other color boxes, color box surface paste box fastness; Eliminate all kinds of packaging box opening problem. Improve work efficiency, reduce grinding pollution, eliminate paper powder pollution of box paste machine, save consumables, save glue cost
Photoelectric glass and electronic industry applications
All kinds of glass surface cleaning, improve the glass surface hydrophilicity, optimize the plating, الطباعة, bonding and spraying technology;
@ Flexible and non-flexible printed circuit board contact cleaning, LED fluorescent lampcontactcleaning and improve the surface adhesive firmness;

Precision glass
@ Electronic components, PCB cleaning, IC surface cleaning, activation enhancement binding, لقياس اللزوجة المنخفضة للغاية أدناه; @LCD LCD screen terminal surface before plasma cleaning;

Electronic industry
Electronic components processing of plasma pretreatment, PCB cleaning, electrostatic removal, LED support, IC surface cleaning and bonding

Automobile industry
EPDM rubber strip spray lubrication coating or flocking glue pretreatment process; Plasma surface pretreatment technology is used for car headlight bonding, brake pad wiper, hood, instrument and bumper

1. What does plasma surface processor (cleaning machine) do?

Plasma surface processor uses current to generate normal temperature plasma to act on the tongue surface of various packaging such as toothpaste box, cigarette box, wine box and gift box. After processing and gluing, there will be no ungluing problem, and you can paste the box with ordinary glue, greatly reducing the cost of glue.

Is your company using a fully automatic box paste machine? The plasma surface processor can be used together with the box paste machine.
What are the products of plasma surface processor?

لقطة شاشة QQ 20180731180926A: Currently on the market is the common single nozzle plasma surface processor. And our company has developed a number of products such as double nozzle, three nozzle, rotating nozzle, لقطة شاشة QQ 20180731180926A. Our professional R & D team can also specialize in R & D and production according to customersneeds.

Main functions and advantages of plasma surface processor?

لقطة شاشة QQ 20180731180926A: 1. Spray plasma flow is neutral, can be a variety of polymer, زجاج, metal, semiconductor, ممحاة, PCB circuit board and other materials for surface treatment.

2. Plasma surface processor after treatment to remove hydrogen carbide dirt, such as grease, auxiliary additives, is conducive to bonding, durable and stable performance, long retention time.

3 plasma temperature is high and low, for different materials to choose different temperature plasma, (power size can be adjusted) suitable for those surface materials sensitive to temperature products.

4. Every type of atmospheric pressure equipment has on-line function! Can be directly installed on the production line, with field equipment online operation processing! Relative to the reverse operation of edging machine, greatly improve the work efficiency.

5. Only air and electricity are consumed, so the operation cost is low and the operation is safer.

6. Dry method treatment without pollution, no waste water, meet the requirements of environmental protection; And replace the traditional edging machine, put an end to the impact of paper powder paper wool on the environment and equipment.

7. After plasma surface processor treatment, ordinary glue can be used to stick the box, reducing the production cost. Plasma processor introduction: plasma technology is a good solution to the coated paper, glazing paper, coated paper, aluminum plated paper, UV coating, PP, PET and other materials bonding is not strong, or unable to bond the problem. To solve the problem that many enterprises used to use the traditional local coating, local glazing, surface grinding or cutting paste line, the use of special glue to improve the bonding method.

Plasma technology after the use of ordinary water-based glue can be very good bonding, no longer because of different cardboard and replace different glue. Not only effectively solve the paste box, paste box production process problems, but also have a good guarantee for the enterprise’s process, efficiency, quality.

Selective surface modification can be achieved by plasma processing:

1. Activation: greatly improve the wettability of the surface, forming an active surface

2. Cleaning: Remove dust and oil, fine cleaning and electrostatic removal

3. Coating: A functional surface is provided by a surface coating treatment

4. Improve the adhesion ability of the surface

5. Improve the reliability and durability of surface bonding

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